How To Set up the Android Emulator on your new M1 Mac

NB: This guide is outdated. Please see my most recent article on installing the Android Emulator on your M1:
How to set up an Android Emulator on your new M1 Mac (May 2021)
Hi! Today I’ll briefly walk you through installation of Google’s Android emulator for the M1 chip.
- Go here: This is the Releases page for the official google M1 android emulator. It’s updated with the most recent release. Click where it says “Assets” and download the dmg.
- Drag the dmg into your Applications folder.
- The first time you open it, you’ll need to right click the Android Emulator icon and then skip past the developer identity verification step
- If you’ve installed Android Studio and Android SDK and adb is available, the emulator should be visible from Studio and work (deploy built apps, debug apps, etc).
- You’ll get a popup on startup about not being able to find the ADB path. This is expected: ADB will still notice the emulator if you have it installed.
So, that was nice and simple.
After this I had a minor problem where the emulator wasn’t connected to the internet, which can be a common issue for emulators in general. To solve this, I followed this StackOverflow answer, which I’ve summarised below.
Change the DNS address of your network to (Google’s DNS):
- Go to System Preferences > Network
- Select the network you’re connected to
- Click “Advanced”
- Select “DNS”, Select the “+” button, type “” (Google’s DNS) or if you prefer OpenDNS, “”
- click “Ok” > click “Apply”
- Restart your emulator
- Done!
For more information (including configuration), see the Google README here.